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set up iEDGE card for a DSi

The iEDGE DSi Card is the EDGE Team's DSi Compatibile flashcartridge which has hardly and differences from the normal EDGE card.It has a unique bootloader upgrade process and Im really enjoying it so far.It has all the standard features of a flashcart like soft reset etc. and has a firmware identical to the CycloDS Evolution which is actually one of its plus points

•Step 1
Important: This guide is intended for use on Windows PC, sorry not suitable for MAC.
This simplified iEDGE set up guide is supplied by .

Before flashing the iEDGE, when you insert the iEDGE into the slot-1 of the DSi, you should see the iEDGE logo/ icon.

FORMAT the MicroSD card with supplied IEDGE USB microSD card reader. Once the formating is in process or done, DO NOT remove the microSD or the microSD card reader.

*The file system for the format SHOULD be FAT32.
*If you have any stored data on the micro sd card save it somewhere before formatting.
•Step 2
You now need bootstrap update application EdgeBootUpdate-v1.exe . Just type in this to your brower to get it :
Make sure that the application is on your PC instead of the microSD. The easiest way is to place the file on your desktop.
•Step 3
Now get the Sudoku ready. For information on how to obtain the Sudoku, please refer to the iEDGE Bootstrap v1 Updater (Windows) Readme text file supplied by
Just like the bootstrap update application, please put the Sudoku on your desktop.
•Step 4
Run the EDGEBootUpdate-v1.exe bootstrap update file and you should see a window with the title iEDGE Boot Update 1. The application automatically identifies your micro SD memory card.
•Step 5
Now look at the ROM bar and locate the Sudoku (which was placed on the desktop) by hitting the button between ROM bar and Update button.
Once located you should see a file "scz-psv3.nds" In the Sudoku window. Highlight this file and click open. You should now see in the ROM bar.
•Step 6
Click Update to start the flashing.
•Step 7
Flashing is done. At the same time, a new window opens up. It is the root folder of the microSD memory card ( Removable drive).
Under the root folder of the microSD, there is new file generated from the flashing process mentioned above. A new file bupdate BIN file has been written to microSD root folder.
Important: bupdate BIN file is required for updating the iEDGE cart on the DS in the next step.
If you can't see the bupdate BIN file, please restart from step 1.
•Step 8
Plug in your DSi with its power charger. You never know if your DSi is fully charged! This is vital as flashing can't be interrupted. DO NOT turn on the DSi yet. If ON turn it OFF.
Plug in the iEDGE into the slot-1 of the DSi. Then turn on the DSi. Do not press any button of the DSi. Leave the DSi on a table or flat surface.
Bootstrap update flashing should start almost immediately.
•Step 9
This is the most crucial part of the bootstrap flashing.
Look at the iEDGE in the slot-1. The LED light inside the iEDGE should be visible as orange.
If the bootstrap flashing functions correct, the LED light should flash on and off.
If the LED light is constantly on, that means that flashing does not function correct. Please restart the process from step 1.
The flashing will intensify slowly and the LED light will be off when the flashing is completed.
•Step 10
If you have come this far to this step great! You have successfully flashed the iEDGE, the most difficult part of the whole process.



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